Time to wake up

“And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from you slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.” 

~Romans 13:11

The Pharisees were rebuked repeatedly by Jesus for not recognizing the times. Even though they studied the Scriptures, they still refused to go to Jesus to have life (Jn 5:39-40), and even though they could interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky, they didn’t know how to interpret the present time (Lk 12:56).

We have been given all the signs of the end of the age – throughout the New Testament, but especially Matthew 24 and the book of Revelation. Now is the time to wake up, because our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.

“so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.”~Hebrews 9:28

Are you a morning person? Or do you struggle to wake up?

11 thoughts on “Time to wake up

  1. I am most certainly NOT a morning person. But i try to wake up at 6am everyday anyway, and even though every fiber of my being is screaming at me to stay in bed, it feels kind good to overcome my physical comforts :)

    • Wow LL, 6am is early, but that is so awesome that you do that.
      I agree, overcoming your physical comforts in order to put God first always feels good.
      Let’s make sure our spirits remain awake!

  2. Like LL,

    I am most definitely NOT a morning person, either. Pressing snooze is my favorite thing to do in the am. I do get up because I have to.

    • Ooh, I love that snooze button! However, I feel so good and productive when I get up early (I try get up everyday before 7am…I’m not always successful…)
      I don’t want my spirit to be as lazy as my body sometimes feels. Need to stay spiritually awake! :)

  3. You just give me a soft bang on my head today because we all wake up very late. Yesterday was an exhausting day..i took my two kids to a rock climbing themed birthday party. My older son enjoyed very much. and my youngest just dash around the area so i have to run around too making sure he’s not in trouble. But it was good.

    Anyways, it’s our wedding anniversary today so we feel we deserve to stay on our bed longer than usual, i am off from work and my wife is off too so we have the luxury to be laid back. Hehehee.

    On the biblical thing, Yes God has made reminders about treating time significantly. We don’t know when a thief would strike, and so we just have to prepare everyday.

    • Congratulations! I loved reading your blog post about your wedding day – happy anniversary my friend (and please tell your wife I send my best wishes to her too)!
      You definitely deserve to sleep in and relax and have fun today – and it sounds like you had a really fun, but super busy and energetic day yesterday :)
      You are lucky that both you and your wife have the day off from work to be able to spend it together, I hope you have a wonderful day! (thanks for taking time to come visit and comment)

      Spiritually speaking, we definitely have to be prepared – like a bride for her groom :) So I pray that we all remain spiritually aware and awake.

  4. Generally speaking, I’m a morning person. I seem to hit a slump in mid-afternoon and can be found by 8PM, half asleep on the sofa if we’re all watching TV.

    Love the post here. I was just reading Matthew 24 this week, as I prepared for a women’s ministry meeting on Disaster Preparedness.

    By the way, welcome to The High Calling!

    • Hi Cheryl, glad you enjoyed the post :)
      I really enjoy being awake in the mornings…but actually waking up is another story (I definitely use that snooze button more than I should!)

      Matthew 24 is such an important chapter, so much information we need to know – were you doing the presentation at your women’s ministry meeting? Hope it went well!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting (and welcoming me to The High Calling, I am excited to be a part of it)

  5. Hi HL =)

    I dont like getting up too early.

    Yes, being ‘awake’, spiritually speaking, has always been important. And especially now considering where we are in the stream of time.

    Matthew 24:42 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.”

    • I don’t think there are many people who like to get up early… I like being awake early, but actually getting up is never easy!
      Jay.me, I totally agree that, considering where we are in the “stream of time”, it is so important to be spiritually awake. Yet I am always reminded [by the Pharisees] that we cannot take these things for granted. They thought they knew everything, yet they were not able to recognize the times and their Messiah.
      Thanks for stopping by, good to hear from you! Hope you are well and enjoying the start of Summer :)

      • Right, I dont want to be like the Pharisees either.

        John 11:47 “Therefore the chief priests and the Pharisees convened a council, and were saying, “What are we doing? For this man is performing many signs. 48“If we let Him go on like this, all men will believe in Him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.”

        Thank you, Hope you are enjoying yours as well =)

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