Do you ever grow tired or weary?

“Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.”
~Isaiah 40:28

I have had a crazy crazy week at work. I am completely exhausted, and have not had much time to blog. When I am this tired and worn out I am always grateful for and humbled by verses like the one above. I am so grateful that God does not grow tired or weary, and that His plans and purposes will stand (Isaiah 14:24).

I am humbled by the fact that even though time and time again God’s people have turned their backs on Him, He will not stop working until His work has been completed – when He can say “It is done!” (Rv 21:6) and His dwelling place is once again with us (Rv 21:3).

I want to be one of those who overcomes all things for the glory of God’s kingdom, no matter what the price. I want to be one of  Jesus’ “called, chosen and faithful followers” (Rv 17:14).

Let’s make sure that our priority is always to seek God’s kingdom and His righteousness first!

How was your week? Was it exhausting, or did you manage to slip some vacation time in? 
What are some of your top priorities? Where does God rank on your list?

6 thoughts on “Do you ever grow tired or weary?

  1. It’s easy to get tired and exhausted but remember “those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength”! (Isaiah 40:31) I actually wrote a post on that a couple of days ago. Don’t forget to wait on Him and He will renew your strength!

  2. Hi Matthew, I actually saw your post when you posted it a few days ago :) good stuff!!
    So true how we have to return to God in order to be “re-fueled” — nothing can flow out, if nothing is flowing in!

  3. I have had a busy week with work and helping family with some different stuff. But I was able to spend some time with my wife which was great. Their are things I personally can do when I get tired to give me a jump start. Some of them include, spending time in the word and with God, reading, taking a quick nap, drinking some coffee, listening music, and running. The best thing though is taking time to be refreshed by God.

    I hope you get some rest this weekend. Great post.

    • I love your list of things that give you a jump start…music and working out are definitely things on my list too. However, there is nothing more important than spending time in God’s word in order to refresh one’s spirit. One cannot get the “breath of life” from anywhere else!
      I had a good weekend, and managed to have a little down time on Sunday :) phew!

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